Please keep making posts on IELTS writing topics, as I find them really helpful and informative for improving my writing skills. They are a great source of inspiration and help me to understand how to effectively structure my essays based on the different types of writing tasks.
Mar 24, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
This essay type is the most difficult for me. Thanks because you made it look easier. The structure is clearly defined and ideas are presented well. I will follow this model if ever I am given the same question type!
Please keep making posts on IELTS writing topics, as I find them really helpful and informative for improving my writing skills. They are a great source of inspiration and help me to understand how to effectively structure my essays based on the different types of writing tasks.
This essay type is the most difficult for me. Thanks because you made it look easier. The structure is clearly defined and ideas are presented well. I will follow this model if ever I am given the same question type!
Thanks Total Ielts for these tips !
Very organize way of presenting ideas!
Nice format. Easy to follow