Click on the links below for information on different aspects of General Training writing task 1. I hope these will answer your questions but, if they haven’t, you can contact Total-IELTS via email. Just click on the email link below.
Download the free PDF copies of each sample answer.
GT Writing: Information & Grading
Essential information on the GT writing task 1 task requirements.
How your answer is graded according to the public band descriptors.
GT Writing: Planning & Formal vs Informal
Strategies on how to plan with emphasis on how to organize your answer.
The importance of getting the style right and how it can impact on your band score
GT Writing: Purpose of the Letter
Learn how to state why you are writing the letter in the correct style.
The importance of getting the purpose right and how it can impact on your band score.
GT Writing: Bullet Points, Closing & Sign Off
Learn how to paraphrase and expand each bullet point.
How to write a formal and informal closing and sign off to your letter.
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